Sunday, May 31, 2009

RSVPs so far

Brock Wilks
Megan Minister
Angie Henrickson
Eileen Kittredge
Kim Ekker
Brooke Droghei
Justin Lloyd
Amber Ruchti
JaNiel Crandall
Jill Rice
Vanessa Larsen
Ben Chase
Dannis Adamson
Heidi Christensen
Holly Peterson
Lacey Dixon
Audri Gardiner
Rickay Clark
Joel Phillips
Becky Babb
Deborah Korth
Tiffany Clark
Kellie Archibald
Shalae Knighton
Cassandra Betty
Carrie Hill
Jason Hill
Daniel Barnett
Richard Miner
Amber Guardipee
Kim Walker
Jami Hoopes
Brian Oborn
Jeff Davenport
Liz Cranor
Chuck Misner
Kara Axford
Julie Fisher
Keva Anderson
Kaylene England
Brian Fromm
Mike McKee
Mark Barta
Brittany Wilcox
Jamie Warner
Kyle Walker
Brian Moffit
Warren Parsons
Stacy Romriell
Jessie Whiting
Lisa Taylor
Tiffany Turner
Amber Bybee
John Peterson
Mauri Mecham
Jennifer Christensen
Robert Diedrich
Chris Hall
Sammy Christensen
Heidi Romriell

and a whole lot of maybes!... Come on, add your name to this list.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Ticket prices are now as follows:


Picnic only $5/person (kids are still free)

What the new ticket price means:
  • Hopefully more of our classmates can afford to come.
  • The reunion committee will only be able to pull this off with participation - so please come!

Your ticket price covers a lot more than just food at the evening event. Postage for invitations, reservations for the park and hotel, the DJ, prizes, etc. are some additional expenses that the reunion committee has to pay for. No one on the reunion committee is getting paid anything - on the contrary, they have invested their own money and a lot of time to make this fun for everyone.

Please spread the word about the new ticket price and help make our 11 year reunion a success!

Thanks, Heidi (Christensen) Adamson and the other reunion planners

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We may need to cancel now

Hey Everyone,
You still have until June 7th to RSVP or pay for the reunion, but the way things are looking, we may need to CANCEL the reunion due to lack of interest and/or payments not received. The reunion committee has worked really hard to make this a success, so I hope people will start signing up. I know many people are planning to attend the picnic and not the dinner, but you will now be charged a fee to attend the picnic. If we don't do this, then there will be no money for our future reunions.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Don't forget to RSVP!

If you are planning to attend the June 27 reunion, please remember to RSVP by June 1st! Don't forget that ticket prices go up by $10 if your payment is received after June 7th.

RSVP to:

Ticket Price: $45/person

Ways to send payment:

go to:
"Send Money" to for service/other

Mail check to address listed below

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pay for your tickets by mail

If you are not a fan of paypal, you may send a check to:

Highland High School Class of 1998
c/o Heidi Adamson
500 Berrett Ave.
Pocatello, ID 83201

Ticket prices:
$45 individual
$90 couple